Last seen almost 11 years ago
Member since Jul 2, 2012
CareBearInitiated a trade but things got mixed up on her end. She sent my end to someone else by accident, I got their trade. I sent the other persons trade to them but I never got my end and she won't responded mine or tameras messages. I never sent my end out.over 12 years ago
margienjoeGood swap with Tamara- good communication- top just as described- thanks.over 12 years ago
Hi Rehashers, I am brand new to this, but I will have many nice items up very soon! I may need a lil help from time to time and I am sure any number of you will do that just as I would you if needed! I will update my bio as time goes by and I become more accustomed to “Rehashing”! It seems like it will be alot of fun and interesting. I think it is a wonderful idea and very fair. Things are always easier when $$ is not involved and you have nice and honest people to work with! I am a huge Hollister, American Eagle and Abercrombie & Fitch fan, so I will definitely be looking for stuff like that! I love pocketbooks and big tote bags as I am on the river alot and have to carry a ton of junk with me!
My Sizes Are: Shirts-Small Shorts-Small or 0-1-2 Depending on brand! Jeans-0-4 Depending on brand! Shoes-9-10 Yeah that big!!
I♥Dirt Roads I♥Beer I♥My Family I♥Animals I♥Parties I♥Cowboy Boots I♥Being Blonde I♥Rodeos I♥ABAC I♥Camouflage I♥Winter I♥Sunflowers
.................................................................... ♥I Was Born in Donalsonville, GA ♥I’m From Jakin, GA ♥I Live in Donalsonville, GA now ♥I Went to ABAC ♥I Have A Twin brother ♥I Have 1 sister ♥I Have 5 nephews & 4 nieces ♥I Luv my Beagle “Bow”dacious ♥I Have Never left America ♥I Have Been to Texas ♥I Luv shopping ♥I Luv to party ♥I Luv flip-flops ♥I Luv Wearing Boots ♥I Luv Old jeans ♥I Am Down-2-Earth ♥I Luv to Smile;) ♥I Wanna go to Africa