Last seen over 12 years ago
Member since Feb 18, 2010
April 25th 2013
wow I havent been here in so long!! really ever since I got swaplifted for alot of things..
In a few weeks I might be posting up again! im pregnant yay and ill be looking to get rid of alot of stuff .
I’m 30 Living in NYC
I’m really a nice person and sometimes that means I let people walk all over me .. I have to stop that.. so I mean I love to trade clothing but im not going to give you a huge amount of things for one item unless its new and I just have to have it. I am really sweet and I DONT like drama cause its just brings me down.
As of Oct 2009 I had to move, lost my job and now I live off of making things. it gets me by not so much but I survive. and trading helps a little cause I had to leave alot of my things behind. so I’ll be awesome trader with you if your the same. :P I usually believe everyone is a sweet person and not trying to take me as a sucker lol. %{color:red}shipping on
!Waiting for shipments from! Angella SWAPLIFTER AND GONE! GROWL