Last seen over 12 years ago
Member since Apr 21, 2010
Kel-duh!Dress wasn't everything I expected, but is still an amazing piece ♥ Miss was definitely a fun & positive experience on Rehash ♥over 14 years ago
I’m back!! :-) Let me know if you are interested in anything. Also, if you are interested in purchasing anything rather than swapping please check out my Smashion account! Thanks. xoxo
~ Check Out my wishlist & Gallery to see items I am interested in
Waiting On None :(
To Be Shipped None :(
Scammed Laura (Brown Leather Boots)- SCAMMED
Displaying all 9 comments

Hey MissGabby, did you receive my package yet?
over 14 years

ya that sucks, cause it doesnt look like she has been on and there is no other form of way to contact her other than here. So whatever, i sent her some lingerie and she was supposed to send me a sweater.
over 14 years

The Stylish Mama's Closet
Hello Miss,
Sorry I haven't got back to you I couldnt' make a descision regarding the dress...if I change my mind and it's not gone I will let you know:D
almost 15 years

Hey! I got the pants yesterday, and shipped your stuff today!
almost 15 years

Kawila Lenei
got the shirt. Love it. Mailing thursday =]
almost 15 years

Aleisha R
Hey i got the items today! yours are all boxed up and i will send them out tomorrow.
almost 15 years

Love love loved the shirts! Thank you so much~ I hope you like the shirts and jacket! I have the tracking number if you'd like me to send it.Thanks again!
almost 15 years

The Stylish Mama's Closet
Thanks so much for the kind words. By your clothing selection you seem very hip and stylish (and by my choice of words I seem OLD) ahah so I am flattered you liked the cute boots!
almost 15 years

The Stylish Mama's Closet
Hi Miss Gabby, sent Priority Mail USPS, delivery confirmation number
Label/Receipt Number: 0304 1560 0004 5222 7373
Class: Priority Mail®
Service(s): Delivery Confirmationâ„¢
Status: Processed through Sort Facility
Set to be delivered on Wednesday!
almost 15 years
Displaying all 9 comments