Last seen about 1 month ago
Member since Dec 21, 2007
I’m the CEO (caring empathetic owner) and developer of Rehash Clothes. I like kayaking, jogging with my dogs, and I write software for a living. I’m married to a beautiful woman who is a dog walker in Biscayne Park.
If you have any suggestions on how I could make Rehash even better, post it in the suggestions forum. If you have any problems with the site, post it in the support forum. If you really, really, really need to get my attention, leave a comment or send me a private message.
Just don’t abuse it. I have feelings too :-(
1 - 20 of 186 comments
I used to rehash often around 2010, until i deleted my facebook! I created a new account! Thank you for website, It's so easy to upload stuff and user-friendly. How come this site Is not advertised? Be well- Sandr3n
over 1 year
almost 2 years
Hi, I'm Miss Esther, by name! Its kind of interesting to write you for friends. If you wish to know more about me, email me at ( [email protected] ). I am waiting keep cool....... Thanks, yours new friend Esther.
over 4 years
Thank you for your suggestion on how to use Rehash on mobile. Hopefully there's an app somewhere in the future to bring more new users!
over 8 years
I was just thinking this would do SO well and be busier if there were an app on Google play or the itunes store. I’ve searched and searched for an app like this and there isn’t one out there. I think it would bring loads of new people wanting to trade that would rather just take a picture with their phone, upload, and be done and wait for a match. Any plans for an app in the future?
over 8 years
Thank you! Congrats on your place! I hope things are well. You relaunched the website and I am happy to see it up an running. That was an extremely long wait. You must've been one busy dude. Yeah, I was pretty original, now I'm old and don't have time. I've been at my new place for 4 years now. I was a caregiver for in laws for awhile until they passed. Well, have a blessed day and wish you nothing but happiness in life.
over 8 years
Finally! An update! I'm happy to see the new transition that is tablet friendly. I may just start swapping again. It's been quite awhile and I'm happy to see rehash with a new look. Where have I been? Bought a house.. Busy busy.. I hope all is well on your side!
over 8 years
My karma did not port over and I cannot send messages or verify my account?
over 8 years
n i c o l e
Thanks for the add! Loving the relaunch of the site, Rehash used to be my favorite way to swap clothes, i'm excited to see it up and running again.
over 8 years
hey, thanks for that! idk why i couldn't get it! i tried lots of ways :)
over 12 years
No problem, and thanks so much for watching! :)
over 12 years
⤠chanelrox â¤
Yes. Yes, you do. The system are leaning towards existing more than the fact of possible non-existance. Congratulations. You're alive!
over 13 years
⤠chanelrox â¤
Hmm...But if anything or anyone exists *at all* then...they must, in fact, exist. It's like digging half a hole. It just can't be done. Whenever you're done, you still have a hole. A whole hole. See what I mean?
over 13 years
Ë™/q/ ÊŽpuÉs
Well, it looks like it's time for you to teach me the coding of this site since you've disappeared lol
over 13 years
⤠chanelrox â¤
Hey Orlando! i'm back to Rehash, wanted to stop by and see if you still existed :) (Or if it is, indeed, all smoke and mirrors...sigh.) =P
over 13 years
Ë™/q/ ÊŽpuÉs
I posted a Q in the Admin board, you might wanna make an appearance in there.
over 13 years
I see you've started to get Nasty Gal to advertise. Wise choice my friend. ;)
almost 14 years
So I was wondering what are your goals for this site. Is this something you are just going to let takes its course or to you plan on promoting in the future, building upon it, etc.?
almost 14 years
Just read your "Lesson in Women" post. They are too complicated, that's why I switched to men.
almost 14 years
Here's a little self-esteem boost.. you know what would be reaaally sick? post something on my wall and so i can be like "HEY GUYS. The Rehash creater posted on my wall!! HOW COOL IS THAT?"
almost 14 years
1 - 20 of 186 comments