Last seen over 15 years ago
Member since Nov 19, 2008
Miss Anna ChristineAwesome trader, I love both my items and they fit wonderfully!almost 16 years ago
Hi everyone! I’m so excited to be a part of this…what a great way to clean out your closet and get new stuff! Below you will find some rules and regulations that I like to abide by:
1. I would like to keep by trades strictly within in the U.S.
2. I go to a “mom and pop” type of shipping place called Pak and Ship. I have always used them because they are the cheapest and are very reliable. I enjoy fast shipping the same as everyone but it is not always the cheapest. So don’t expect my package to you to arrive overnight! And please let me know if you need a confirmation/tracking number otherwise I will not get one cause that costs extra too!
3. I promise to have very open communication with you. Feel free to ask me as many questions as you want about my items. I am very honest and trustworthy.
4. I am on here at least once a day. I will try to respond to your requests as quickly as possible. I go away a lot on weekends so I may not be as quick to answer on weekends.
6. I will only trade for something I truly need or just really want.
7. I try to be a very fair trader. I go by equal amount of price rather than the same item. For example if I want to trade for one of your more expensive items I will give you a few of my items that would equal the price of your item.
Thank you and happy trading everybody!