Last seen about 12 years ago
Member since May 17, 2011
DanyaAug 8 - I shipped to her. UPS tracking #1Z9087930344356669 Oct 24 - Finally Recieved! Thank you so much! Sorry for the bad Karma but I didnt know what else to do...over 13 years ago
USA ONLY I don’t get DC numbers, just ask for a picture of the receipt. :) BTW; I’m a broke student and shipping is pricey. But i will always send within 2 weeks./ smaller packages – 1 week **IF YOU HAVE LESS THAN 90% KARMA YOU SHIP FIRST. *BE FAIR. I dont care about mine or your prices… its the quality.
NEED TO SHIP TO: Gabby Dayna
I ship in the smallest most compressed way possible, so you might need to iron a bit after recieving :) + i ship in anything that is a “box” – cereal boxes, cheese it boxes etc :) im cheap :)
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Did you ship? It said you did 9 days ago but you live in California and so do I so it should have been here...
over 13 years

Hey...Just wondering how you like the purse and when you were planning on shipping... :) Let me know...
over 13 years

Ë™/q/ ÊŽpuÉs
Heya! I shipped out today! Sorry for the delay, I moved to Corpus and just now got settled in. Here is your tracking number:
USPS - 0311 0240 0001 4049 8971
over 13 years

Helloooo ....girl your not gonna believe me but ive been so busy that I have not had a chance to try them on, but yours has been shipped so hopefully youll get them soon! Thanks!!!
over 13 years

Tiffany Rose
hahah duh your my bestfriend too. im not sure if i can reply from my page? this shits wierd. but i love you baby doll.
over 13 years

Abylicious <3
heyy there! i already shipped today :) tell me when you get itt
over 13 years
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