Last seen almost 14 years ago
Member since Sep 8, 2008
UPDATE:OCTOBER 2009 I have decided to take a break from rehashing and remove most of my items and donate them. I’m sure I’ll be back at some point but right now I just don’t have time for random PO stops as my schedule is incredibly nuts right now.
I am a long time member of Ebay if you need to see more proof of positive feedback: Due to being scammed too many times in too short a time here, I will ship your items once I receive yours unless we have traded before or you have the same or more karma. I add extras only if I think the person I’m trading with will appreciate and get use out of the extra. I’m sure most of us are trying to declutter so please don’t feel obligated to add something into the trade just to add something. I absolutely LOVE rehash. I have had some really amazing trades-in fact A LOT of my favorite things came from here so I plan on sticking around forever!! If you like something of mine, please watch it, I check my watch list frequently.